My real-estate expertise arises from both legal and practical experience. In addition to several trial and appellate matters involving real-estate, land-use, financing, and other property issues, my wife and I have been real-estate investors since 2005. Indeed, my wife is a third-generation real-estate investor (and quite talented). We’ve had projects in the Minneapolis area, San Diego, and Rancho Santa Fe, California (which is just north of San Diego). This perspective improves my client representation because, in addition to subject matter knowledge of real estate, I understand my client’s perspective. As anyone involved in real estate knows, it has both unique risks and opportunities.
My legal experience with real estate has developed from several perspectives. For example, I won a trial as first chair involving a dispute with significant issues of fraud and agency arising out of complex real-estate transactions, partnerships, LLCs, and real-estate financing. From the appellate perspective, I have prepared several amicus briefs in state courts involving real-estate, takings, land-use, zoning and other property-related issues. Finally, I have advised real-estate clients on antitrust issues and have presented at a California real-estate conference about antitrust.
If you need help resolving a real-estate dispute or issue, please don’t hesitate to contact me.